Harvard and Its Faculty Members Supporting a Controversial President Shows What’s Wrong With Jews Supporting Universities  by Jerry McGlothlin

Harvard and Its Faculty Members Supporting a Controversial President Shows What’s Wrong With Jews Supporting Universities

Genesis 123 Foundation founder and author Jonathan Feldstein discusses the big problem with what’s occurring after the hearings.

Last week, a Congressional hearing took place with several academic leaders, including Harvard University President Claudine Gay, focusing on whether calls for the genocide of Jews violated the Ivy League’s school rules. Gay balked, saying that calls for murdering Jews depended on the “context,” rather than a clear denouncement of such threats. It seems that Harvard is backing Gay and her immoral stance, and that she will keep her job.

Not only is the school insisting that she won’t lose her job, but over 500 faculty members have turned a blind eye to the hateful comments, instead endorsing Gay on her academic achievements.

And that brings up a very serious question – should the educational stature of someone in charge of a university stand head and shoulders over a potential hate issue that could be a problem to the student body, or any ethnic or religious group?

Jonathan Feldstein doesn’t believe so. In an editorial he co-authored in the Jerusalem Post, the founder of the Genesis 123 Foundation explained why American Jews should stop funding universities at which Jewish students are threatened.

He notes how “protests and threats have become outright antisemitic” at more of these universities, becoming a “dangerous place for Jews” as a result.

“American Jews must rethink what their legacy really is,” Feldstein explains in the piece. “Is it funding institutions at any level at which debate and dialogue in the context of learning has fallen hostage to threats to Jewish life and violent assaults on Jews, and to which their children and grandchildren will not be welcome, or safe? Is it in the endowment of chairs and research facilities that have been kidnapped by violent extremism?”

Feldstein joins us now to discuss the situation further.


  1. It seems that the war between Israel and Hamas is causing a lot more divide than expected. How disappointed are you to see protests that often endorse hatred more than support?
  2. Despite Harvard officials saying otherwise, do you believe that Claudine Gay should be forced to resign given her inability to make decisions based on the hatred towards Jews? Shouldn’t school leaders be in a position to treat everyone equally?
  3. As the war between Israel and Hamas goes on, do you believe the situation will get worse before it gets better? Will we see more protests and even more hate crimes against Jews?
  4. You believe that investing in U.S. universities is a poor decision, especially considering how the money can be turned around towards Israel and Jewish support. Do you believe more top investors will see the lessened value from this, or will they simply continue to push forward with their donations?
  5. Could this ongoing investigation bring changes to how university leadership is conducted? Or will it simply continue to be “business as usual,” especially based on Harvard shrugging off any wrongdoing?
  6. We believe you recently discussed a Tanzanian Hamas terror victim that was recently laid to rest with comfort and support from Israel. Can you tell us more about him?
  7. You recently put together a petition asking for Israel to free all of the hostages. Tell us more about this, and how it’s going thus far.
    1. You can learn more at the official website at www.genesis123.co/.

About Jonathan Feldstein…

Jonathan lives in Israel and has a son and son-in-law currently serving in the IDF. He has established an emergency fund through his Genesis 123 Foundation:
Israel has suffered barrages of thousands of rockets and missiles fired at Israeli communities creating death, damage, injuries, fear and trauma. The security threats, deaths, injuries, and trauma are at a level unseen in years.

The Genesis 123 Foundation is standing in the gap to provide emergency needs including civilian security, soldiers’ welfare, those suffering trauma, people whose homes have been destroyed, and emergency medical needs.
Every donation of any size makes a huge difference. https://love.genesis123.co/

Jonathan Feldstein is president and founder of The Genesis 123 Foundation. Jonathan was born and educated in the U.S. and immigrated to Israel in 2004. He is married and the father of six.

Throughout his life and career, he has been blessed by the calling to fellowship with Christians to serve as a bridge between Jews and Christians and to help connect Christians to Israel in a meaningful way.

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