The Urgency of Voting: The Consequences of a Kamala Harris Presidency  By: Damon Galdo

The Urgency of Voting: The Consequences of a Kamala Harris Presidency  By: Damon Galdo

As we approach one of the most crucial elections in the history of the United States, it is essential that every patriotic American recognizes the potential consequences at stake. With our country teetering on the edge of unprecedented challenges, the possibility of Kamala Harris assuming the presidency represents not only a significant political shift but also a potential turning point for the very survival of our nation.

This is a call to action for every individual concerned about the future of America: You must get five people—friends, family, coworkers, even strangers—to vote. Ask them to do the same with five more people  and so on. It may be uncomfortable, you might have difficult conversations, lose friends, or have backlash at your place of work, but it is time for Americans to rise up and seek out the facts for themselves. We cannot afford passivity. For too long people have been afraid of the left and cancel culture. It’s time to take a stand, and while you may sacrifice some for a short term, the long term will prevent sacrificing all. This is the most important election of our lifetime.

Let’s look at where we are now. Under the current Harris-Biden administration, we’ve seen a cascade of failures, from economic downturns to the weakening of our national security. If Kamala Harris wins the presidency, it would mean four-eight more years of this instability—gaurunteeably worse. Here’s why:

  • National Debt: The U.S. is already burdened by a staggering $35.3 trillion in debt. Can we really sustain another administration that continues to rack up unsustainable debt, mortgaging our children’s future for short-term political gain? How much do you pay in taxes? Just one example: Are you ok with the government spending your hard earned tax payer dollars for a sex change on an inmate who strangled an 11 month old baby to death? Kamala Harris is and it’s happening. Look it up.

  • Illegal Immigration Crisis: Our southern border is overwhelmed, leading to increased strain on welfare systems, public safety, and even the job market. Illegal immigrants are favored by Democrats over American-born citizens, draining the nation’s resources. Just last month, 1.3 million American jobs were lost while 685,000 jobs were given to illegal migrants. If Kamala Harris takes office, this problem will only escalate.

  • Crime and Chaos: Crime rates have surged, particularly in border states. The influx of illegal immigrants has brought crime waves, including rapes and murders. Homelessness and drug-related deaths, such as fentanyl overdoses, are skyrocketing. Yet Harris continues to advocate for policies that leave American citizens vulnerable.

  • Erosion of Parental Rights: Schools are being used as ideological battlegrounds, pushing children into believing they can change genders, encouraging sexual confusion, and even facilitating surgeries for minors without parental consent. This is part of a larger effort to weaken the family unit and impose state control over individual lives.

  • Promoting Racism: Riots in the streets and anti American/anti semitic protests in the streets and our schools.

  • Economic Collapse: From soaring inflation to skyrocketing costs, life is getting harder for the average American. Fertilizer prices are up 42%, making it difficult for farmers to produce the food we rely on. Car insurance has increased by 55%. American citizens are losing their houses and it’s almost impossible to purchase a house with the interest rates so high, making basic living expenses nearly impossible for many families to afford.

The international stage is just as alarming. Two assassination attempts on Donald Trump have been uncovered, while Iran—funded with $6 billion from the Harris-Biden administration—continues to be the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism. Also, the sanctions removed by the Harris-Biden administration gave Iran 80 billion more in revenue. China’s aggressive actions, including spy balloons and missile tests, pose a direct threat to our sovereignty. Meanwhile, anti-American riots and antisemitic protests are now commonplace in our streets, with Harris doing little to quell this growing unrest.

Are we ready for World War III? Under Harris, that grim possibility feels closer than ever, as two major wars rage and our enemies grow bolder.

Let’s not forget the election interference already taking place. Democrats dominating the media, with George Soros buying up radio stations in 40 markets and over 200 stations to manipulate public opinion ahead of the election. It is an FCC rule that foreign companies can only own 25%. That decision to change (weeks before an election) was voted 3 Democrats for, and 2 Republican against. Hmmm….Why is that? Foreign leaders like Vladimir Zelensky are being flown into key swing states using American taxpayer dollars—a brazen attempt to influence voters in favor of the current administration. The hypocrisy is glaring: President Trump was impeached for far less when he simply requested an investigation into Biden’s Burisma corruption.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Have dodged the media on policy just as well Donald Trump has dodged bullets. The Democrat owned media will not press them on policy. The policies that she apparently did a complete 180 degree turn on were released by surrogate, by staff. Not from her. Why? Let’s put it in perspective. Kamala Harris’s campaign is lying to the American voters. Everything she flip flopped on she tells us she will solve day one if elected. YOU ARE CURRENTLY THE ELECTED VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.YOU HAVE BEEN IN OFFICE FOR OVER 3 ½ YEARS! WHY NOT DO IT NOW? BECAUSE YOU ARE LYING!

Make no mistake: This election isn’t just about policy—it’s about survival. The survival of American values, our national security, and the future for our children. Kamala Harris’s presidency would mark the final descent into chaos, from a country that no longer values its own citizens to one that emboldens its enemies and silences dissent.

We cannot let this happen. You can hate Donald Trump as a person. I only ask you to use common sense over feelings. You do not have to believe everything I’m writing, so I challenge you to fact check it all and look it up yourselves. The future of our nation demands sacrifice. Take a stand. Get five people to vote. Convince them to do the same. This is not just another election—it is the defining moment of our generation.

We can’t survive four-eight more years of this administration. The time to act is now!

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