The Enemies Within: How Division is Being Used to Destroy the United States:  By : Damon Galdo

For over two centuries, the United States has stood as a beacon of freedom and opportunity, founded on principles of equality, liberty, and justice for all. Through civil rights movements, social reforms, and an unwavering dedication to the idea that all men are created equal, America has come a long way in overcoming racial disparities. Yet, in recent years, forces from within have sought to dismantle the progress made by dividing the nation along racial and ideological lines under the guise of concepts like “equity.”

One of the most dangerous tools used by those aiming to destroy America from within is the manipulation of the terms equity and equality. For centuries, the United States has fought for equality—the idea that all individuals should have equal rights and opportunities, regardless of race, creed, or background. Equality ensures that every person is treated fairly under the law, with no special privileges for any group.

However, the push for equity is quite different. Unlike equality, which focuses on equal opportunity, equity demands equal outcomes by redistributing resources and opportunities based on perceived disadvantages. This shift turns the focus from individual merit and responsibility to race, gender, or other identity markers, making them the sole criteria for who benefits in society. Under the banner of equity, Americans are being told that some groups must be favored over others due to historical wrongs, real or imagined. In practice, equity only creates more division, resentment, and inequality.

In the 1960s and beyond, America made significant strides in racial harmony. Discrimination, once rampant, was largely abolished through landmark laws and the collective will of a nation dedicated to justice. By the early 21st century, America was more racially integrated and harmonious than ever before. The racial barriers that once divided the nation were crumbling, and many Americans saw their neighbors, co-workers, and leaders as individuals, not representatives of a race.

But political operatives, particularly within the Democratic Party, have realized that division is a powerful tool for gaining and retaining power. By sowing seeds of distrust, claiming that racial inequality is rampant, and insisting that certain groups are perpetual victims, they have been able to manipulate and divide the electorate. This constant drumbeat of racial grievance has reversed much of the progress made, stoking tension where unity once existed.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has adopted an “equity” framework, prioritizing disaster relief based on race, sexual orientation, and even immigration status. This misguided policy, based on the assumption that white Americans are inherently privileged and that people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and illegal immigrants suffer under an oppressive system, threatens to turn disaster response into a racial and political battleground.

In a natural disaster, every life is valuable. Prioritizing some victims over others based on skin color, sexual orientation, or immigration status is not only immoral but un-American. FEMA’s equity policy is a stark example of how the race-based narrative of victimhood is used to tear apart the social fabric, allowing the enemies within to push their divisive agenda.

The people pushing for equity over equality, for race-based policies, and for endless division are not doing so by accident. They know exactly what they are doing. By pitting Americans against each other based on identity politics, they weaken the bonds that hold this country together. The enemies within know that a divided nation is easier to control and manipulate. If Americans are busy fighting each other, they are less likely to notice the erosion of their rights and the creeping influence of dangerous ideologies.

This is the playbook of those who seek to destroy the United States from within. By turning citizens into enemies through manufactured grievances, they can consolidate power and push their radical agendas without opposition.

We must not allow the lies, division, and deception to succeed. Every legal citizen of this country, regardless of their background, must be seen first and foremost as an American. We must reject the poison of identity politics and embrace the ideals that have made America great—freedom, personal responsibility, and equality for all.

The enemies within want us to see each other as opponents based on race, class, or sexual orientation. But we will not be divided. We will stand united as Americans, and together, we will ensure that this nation remains strong, free, and resilient. The principles that built this country—liberty, justice, and equality—must continue to guide us.

I am not a follower that believes what people tell me. I will always have the conversation and ask them to explain, then research myself to become more informed. That is what we need to do. Do not be close minded no matter how absurd you think it may be. Maybe you will learn something and maybe you can teach something. Either way it is beneficial.

There is a difference between being a follower and selecting a leader. The difference between being a follower and selecting a leader lies in the roles and responsibilities each position entails, as well as the mindset and actions associated with each. There is a passive follower and an active follower. Passive followers are led blindly, while active followers use critical thinking to assess one’s leadership skills. Active followers make informed decisions on who they choose to lead them.

Here is one example. Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, supports Trump. I think it’s safe to say that Elon is one of, or the smartest person on the planet. You don’t get to be in his position without having a calculated mind to have the ability to see what the future holds for the company that he has built. I would think the same for this Country. Musk may be viewed as socially awkward but there is a reason for that. He only views obstacles in such a calculated manner as to overcome them. For Musk to stand in front of tens of thousands of people, endorse Trump, emphasizing that this is the most important election of our lives, and say if Trump doesn’t win there may never be another election; I am inclined to believe what I was already thinking.

America has faced threats before, and each time, it has emerged stronger. I believe, with the effort to keep citizens informed, we will not allow the forces of division and deception to tear us apart. Instead, we will reaffirm our commitment to unity, ensuring that our nation remains a land of opportunity for all. Together, we will make America great again.

The threat to America is not from outside forces alone but from within. By using race, identity, and equity as tools of division, our enemies hope to weaken and destroy the very fabric of this nation. But we, the American people, are stronger than their lies. We will not let them divide us. United under the banner of freedom and equality, we will preserve the legacy of this great nation for generations to come. However, as I uncover more, it’s becoming harder to believe it, but I won’t stop trying. May God Bless the United States of America.

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