
The AUN TV NETWORK and its 11 broadcast TV Stations will be airing an exciting idea for educating the masses of the Constitution and its amendments. INTRODUCING “OUR COUNTRY, OUR FREEDOMS, OUR CONSTITUTION: LESSONS FOR FREEDOM!”

The AUN TV NETWORK and its 11 broadcast TV Stations along with its 24/7 live streaming element, will broadcast a series of programs dedicated to exploring the Constitution and the principles of American government. The United States Constitution was designed to secure the natural rights proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence.

In conjunction with Liberty Sentinels Fund, this twelve-part series, “OUR COUNTRY, OUR FREEDOMS, OUR CONSTITUTION: LESSONS FOR FREEDOM!” will examine the political theory of the American Founding and subsequent challenges to that theory throughout American history. Topics covered in this course include: the natural rights theory of the Founding, the meaning of the Declaration and the Constitution, the crisis of the Civil War, the Progressive rejection of the Founding, and the nature and form of modern liberalism.

Following each broadcast a guest lecture will explore and expand each lesson. Present, Former and Future members of Congress, Legal scholars and educators will be invited to host this series. We will also partner with other organization’s promoting Constitution Education.

Enrichment Education!! According to “THE HILL” In A recent survey, Fewer than half of Americans can name all three branches of government! The survey found… Americans’ understanding of basic facts about the U.S. government declined for the first time in six years, as fewer than half could name all three branches of government.

Additionally, The Annenberg Public Policy Center’s annual Constitution Day Civics Survey found a significant drop in the percentage of Americans who could name all three branches of government — executive, legislative, and judicial — falling by 9 percentage points from a year earlier.

About a quarter of Americans surveyed could not name a single branch.

The survey also found a decline in the number of respondents who could name any of the five freedoms guaranteed under the First Amendment.

Freedom of religion was named by 24 percent of those surveyed, falling from 56 percent from the previous survey. Those who named freedom of the press also declined sharply down by 30 percentage points from 50 percent in 2021.
By using the method of email blasts and text messaging, AUN TV NETWORK, will promote and advertise the “OUR COUNTRY, OUR FREEDOMS, OUR CONSTITUTION: LESSONS FOR FREEDOM!” A series broadcast on AUN TV’s 11 TV stations to the population covered in the areas of its broadcast stations and our Rumble live stream at: