Category: Government Corruption

The Urgency of Voting: The Consequences of a Kamala Harris Presidency By: Damon Galdo
The Urgency of Voting: The Consequences of a Kamala Harris Presidency By: Damon Galdo As we approach one of the most crucial elections in the history of the United States, it is essential that every patriotic American recognizes the potential consequences at stake. With our country teetering on the edge of unprecedented challenges, the possibility…

AUN TV Network: Urgent Call for Support Dear Friends, Northern California’s devastating fires have disrupted countless lives and businesses. Among those severely impacted is the AUN Television Network. The fires destroyed our AUN-TV transmitters for two of our most popular stations, crippling our ability to communicate with a large portion of our audience. We need…

Upholding Morality In a Divided Nation: The True Threat To Our Constitutional Republic: By Damon Galdo
In recent years, political division in the United States has deepened to unprecedented levels, creating an environment that threatens the nation’s moral foundation. The political climate has become so polarized that it now enables extremist behavior, a dangerous development we must address if we are to maintain the principles that define us as a nation….

The Rise and Fall of American Power: How Internal Division Threatens the United States By:Damon Galdo
The United States has long been regarded as one of the most powerful nations in the world. Its economic strength, military dominance, and strategic geographic location have rendered it virtually invincible to external threats. However, the greatest threat to America’s continued dominance comes not from a foreign adversary but from within. As the country becomes…

How “Woke” Schools and Teachers Are Hurting Education BY RICK TRADER
How “Woke” Schools and Teachers Are Hurting Education The concept of “wokeness” has sparked intense debates in recent years, particularly in the field of education. What began as a movement focused on social justice and equality has, in some cases, evolved into a rigid ideology with far-reaching implications. “Woke” schools and teachers, driven by an…