American Government Treason: The Abandonment of the American Citizen By Damon Galdo

The Biden-Harris administration’s open border policies have placed a tremendous strain on American citizens, particularly taxpayers, who are forced to bear the financial, social, and security consequences of unchecked illegal immigration. As border control continues to weaken, the ripple effects extend deep into our economy, healthcare, and public safety, leaving American citizens increasingly vulnerable.

One of the most eye-opening consequences of open-border policies is the spike in crimes committed by illegal immigrants. Several high-profile tragedies have underscored the personal cost of these policies. Laiken Riley, a young mother, lost her life in a brutal attack by an illegal immigrant, drawing attention to a recurring theme of violent crimes perpetrated by individuals who should not have been in the country in the first place. Her tragic story is not isolated.

Other victims include Kathryn Steinle, who was killed by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco, sparking nationwide debate on sanctuary city policies. Mollie Tibbetts, a 20-year-old college student, was also murdered by an undocumented immigrant in Iowa. Twelve year old Jocelyn Nungarway from Houston, raped and murdered by 2 illegal immigrants. These cases are emblematic of a much larger problem. According to a recent report by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), there are over 15,000 convicted murderers and 14,000 convicted  rapists who are illegal immigrants residing in the United States, a statistic that should be alarming to any citizen concerned with public safety. Where is the news coverage? The Democrat owned legacy media won’t report it, especially this close to the election.

The influx of illegal immigrants into the country also puts an immense burden on the American healthcare system. Hospitals across border states like Texas and Arizona have reported being overwhelmed with migrants seeking medical treatment. The cost to U.S. taxpayers is staggering. A 2023 report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimated that illegal immigrants drain over $18.5 billion annually from American healthcare services. These services include emergency room visits, medical procedures, and even ongoing care, all provided to individuals who have not contributed to the tax system.

But the financial damage extends beyond healthcare. The Harris administration’s mismanagement has also siphoned critical disaster relief funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Over $1billion was diverted from FEMA to cover expenses related to migrant housing, transportation, and other needs. Now, in the wake of Hurricane Halene, American citizens who have lost everything find that there are no remaining funds to aid them in rebuilding their lives. They are left in the cold while the government prioritizes illegal immigrants who have never paid a dime in taxes.

At the heart of these policies is a political agenda driven by the Democratic Party’s need to retain power. By allowing a flood of illegal immigrants into the country, the administration is not only reshaping the demographics of America but also hoping to secure future votes. Some argue that efforts to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections are part of a larger plan to create a permanent Democratic majority.

But what does this mean for the average American? It means a government more focused on securing votes through illegal means than protecting its own citizens. It means higher taxes, overburdened public services, and a justice system that seems to prioritize non-citizens over Americans. Meanwhile, our borders remain open, our safety compromised, and our rights eroded.

These actions raise serious questions about the integrity of our government. Some believe that the Democratic Party has been infiltrated by foreign interests that aim to weaken America from within. This is not a wild conspiracy theory but a logical conclusion based on the administration’s actions, which seem more intent on eroding national sovereignty than upholding it. Historically, America has been most vulnerable to internal threats. As President Abraham Lincoln once warned, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

The Harris administration’s policies reflect a disturbing trend of self-destruction. Rather than securing our borders and protecting American citizens, the administration is willfully allowing foreign influence to take root, eroding the very fabric of our nation.

The American government has a duty to its citizens—a duty to protect, serve, and prioritize their needs above all else. Yet, under the current administration, American citizens are being abandoned, left to bear the brunt of misguided policies that favor illegal immigrants over hard working Americans. With our public safety compromised, our healthcare system strained, and disaster relief gutted, it’s clear that the Democrats’ open border policies are not just a failure of governance; they are a betrayal of the American people.

It’s time for Americans to stand up and demand that their government fulfills its primary responsibility: to protect its citizens from threats, both foreign and domestic. If this administration continues to ignore that duty, the damage will be irreparable, and the American people will be left to pick up the pieces of a broken, if not dead nation.


Damon Galdo is a co-host on the Conservative Commandos Radio Show which is broadcast on the AUN TV Network.   Damon’s day job is as  a union carpenter, construction superintendent, husband, and father who campaigned for the Republican nomination for Congress in New Jersey’s 1st Congressional District.  Getting into politics was never something Damon planned on doing. However, when he looked at his children and at the direction this country is heading, he feared for the future, and has decided that he could not wait for someone else to make a change. As they say, if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.  With that, Damon jumped in!

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