34 Reasons Why Tim Walz is a Far-Left Lunatic BY RICK TRADER

Tim Walz, the Governor of Minnesota, is considered by some to be a far-left extremist. Paired with Kamala Harris. In fact, as will will find here “Tampon Tim” Walz Is an extreme left liberals dream come true!  Walz is correctly seen by his critics as embodying the most radical elements of liberal politics. The following points outline various policies and actions that have led to this perception.

Sanctuary Cities and States: Walz supports sanctuary policies, which protect undocumented immigrants from federal immigration enforcement.

Mass Amnesty: He backs mass amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, challenging existing immigration laws.

Border Crisis: Walz refuses to label the situation at the U.S. southern border as a crisis, despite significant controversy and debate.

Aid to Illegal Immigrants: Advocates for providing ladders to help illegal immigrants scale border walls, a stance seen as encouraging illegal entry.

Free Health Care and College for Illegal Aliens: Signed legislation to provide free, taxpayer-funded healthcare and college education to undocumented immigrants.

Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens: Supported legislation allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses and title vehicles.

Office of New Americans: Established an office dedicated to supporting immigrant and refugee integration, using taxpayer dollars.

Handling of Minneapolis Riots: Criticized for his response to the Minneapolis riots, including delayed National Guard deployment and perceived leniency towards rioters.

Felon Voting Rights: Supports voting rights for convicted felons, including those with violent criminal records.

Criminal Leniency: Accused of allowing criminals to walk free, including high-profile cases like a woman who drowned her own baby.

Voter ID and Integrity Laws: Views voter ID laws as unnecessary and solutions in search of a problem.

Tax Increases: Raised billions in new taxes and has shown a willingness to increase them further.

Rural America Remark: Made a controversial comment describing rural America as “mostly rocks and cows.”

Gas-Powered Vehicle Ban: Supports banning gas-powered vehicles, pushing for a transition to electric alternatives.

Carbon-Free Legislation: Signed a bill to make Minnesota carbon-free by 2040, aiming for a drastic reduction in carbon emissions.

Opposition to Fracking: Stands against fracking, which is a contentious issue in energy policy.

Defunding the Police: Backed measures to reduce funding for police departments amid calls for reform.

Violent Crime Increase: Governed during a period of rising violent crime, attracting criticism for his policies.

Socialism Comment: Believes that “one person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness,” a statement seen as a defense of socialist policies.

Sexually Explicit Content in Schools: Opposes restrictions on sexually explicit and pornographic content in elementary schools.

Menstrual Products in Boys’ Bathrooms: Signed legislation requiring schools to provide menstrual products in boys’ bathrooms.

Gender Reassignment Surgeries for Minors: Allowed minors to undergo gender reassignment surgeries without age restrictions.

Partnership with a Satanic Designer: Defended a controversial partnership with a designer promoting transgender products for kids.

Comments on Trump Supporters: Called Trump supporters “fascists,” sparking outrage, especially after an assassination attempt on Trump.

School Lockdowns and Masking: Defended school lockdowns and mask mandates despite questions about their effectiveness.

COVID Snitch Line: Established a hotline for reporting COVID-19 order violations, viewed as authoritarian by critics.

Criticism of Lockdown Order: Mocked citizens who criticized his lockdown measures.

Handling of COVID-Positive Patients: Discharged COVID-positive patients to long-term care facilities, which led to high death rates.

Fraud and Mismanagement: Oversaw significant fraud costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

Abortion Legislation: Enshrined unrestricted abortion access into law, removing protections for newborns.

National Guard Service: Allegedly lied about his own service in the National Guard.

Praise for Communist China: Has praised China, advocating for a non-adversarial relationship with the country.

Covering Biden’s Cognitive Decline: Accused of covering up President Biden’s cognitive issues.

Associations with Radical Figures: Surrounds himself with controversial figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Keith Ellison.

Tim Walz’s policies and actions have sparked intense debate and criticism, especially among those who view his approach as radically liberal. Paired with Kamala Harris, Walz is seen by his critics as part of a ticket that could push the United States towards extreme leftist policies. Whether these criticisms hold merit is up to voters to decide, but the concerns raised highlight the deeply polarized nature of contemporary American politics.

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